- Meir Elran, Ephraim Lavie, Meni Itzhaki, and Mohammed S. Wattad, “Recommendations for the Policy for National Struggle against Violence and Crime in the Arab Society in Israel,” Special Publication (INSS Publication, Tel-Aviv University) (27.10.2021) (Hebrew) (equal contribution).
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- Jehoash Hirshberg, Rimona Paul, Sofia Mazar, The Dramaturgy of the Late Italian Opera Semi-Seria in the second half of the 19th century. Forthcoming in Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Bocherini(Lucca) 2026.
- Gillie Gabay, Dismissive medicine and gaslighting of patients by physicians – A bioethics lens, Patient Education and Counseling, Volume 134, 2025, 108701
- Dopelt, K. (2025). Health Disparities: The Emerging Trends and Pressing Challenges. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 15(1), 7-12.
- Sarit Alkalay & Abraham Sagi-Schwartz (2025) The legacy of Mary Main in attachment and developmental research in Israel, Attachment & Human Development, 27:1, 34-66
- Tamar Gadrich, Yariv N. Marmor, Emil Bashkansky, Accuracy of categorical measurements: Nominal scale, Measurement, Volume 250, 2025, 117044
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- Lauren Erdreich, Susie Russak, Marking and erasing: Classed practices of visibility in mothering Israeli children with invisible disabilities, Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 109, 2025, 103059
- Yael Efron, Yossi Korazim-Kőrösy, and Mohammed S. Wattad, Multidisciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity in Law, 73 Clev. St. L. Rev. 241 (2025)
- Gillie Gabay, Sigal-Shafran Tikva, Ilya Kagan, Exploring EntrepreNursing: The influence of internal locus of control and organizational innovativeness on nurses' innovative behavior - A cross-sectional study, Applied Nursing Research, Volume 81, 2025, 151900
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- Yonatan-Leus, Refael, Friedlander, Avraham, Sinai, Dana, Weiser, Mark, Lichtenberg, Pesach, Caspi, Asaf, Domany, Yoav, Bitan, Dana Tzur, Effectiveness of Two Hospitalization Alternatives Compared to Psychiatric Admission: An Ecological Longitudinal Study, Mental Illness, 2025, 3361455, 10 pages, 2025.
- Yonatan-Leus R, Abargil M, Shulman S, Cooper-Kazaz R. Patterns of Change in Healthcare Use and Cost Before and During Psychotherapy. Int J Psychol. 2025 Apr;60(2):e70020
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- Yohanan Eshel, Hadas Marciano, Shaul Kimhi, Arielle Kaim, Maya Siman Tov, Bruria Adini, National resilience rise following the Hamas invasion of southern Israel as an indicator of collective post-traumatic growth, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Volume 105, 2025, 102130
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- Gil Cohen, Avishay Aiche, Intelligent forecasting in bitcoin markets, Finance Research Letters, Volume 71, 2025, 106487
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- Odelia Elkana, Iman Beheshti, Functional brain changes in Mexican women with fibromyalgia, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, Volume 1871, Issue 1, 2025, 167564
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- Doron Amsalem, Shilat Haim-Nachum, Amit Lazarov, Yossi Levi-Belz, John C. Markowitz, Maja Bergman, Alexandra Klein Rafaeli, Lisa A Brenner, Nitsa Nacasch, Milton Wainberg, Ido Lurie, Shlomo Mendlovic, Yuval Neria, Brief video intervention to increase treatment-seeking among individuals living in a conflict zone: A randomized controlled trial, Psychiatry Research, Volume 343, 2025, 116280
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- Matan Levi, Avraham Chelly, Avi Karsenty, A comprehensive review of nanoscale MOS capacitors applications in photonics, Reviews in Physics, Volume 13, 2025, 100106
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- Yael Efron, Yossi Korazim-Kőrösy & Mohammed S. Wattad, “Multi-disciplinarity and Inter-disciplinarity in Law” (Forthcoming, 73(2) Cleveland State Law Review, 2025) (English) (equal contribution) [will be published as the “lead article”].
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- Katie Baransi-Karkaby, Mahdi Hassanin, Hadas Raanan-Kiperwas, Nedal Massalha, Isam Sabbah; Methane production from anaerobic pre-treatment of municipal wastewater combined with olive mill wastewater: A demonstration study. Water Sci Technol 15 January 2025; 91 (2): 126–138.
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- Dror Zurel, Fred Arzoine, Zohar Barnett-Itzhaki, Assessing the effectiveness of 18 years of Israel’s “Clean Coast” program, Marine Policy, Volume 176, 2025, 106655
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- Yossi Luzon, Yariv N. Marmor, Calendar design for assignment of ongoing appointments: Modeling, analysis and application, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 201, 2025, 110931
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- Tamar Gadrich, Yariv N. Marmor, Emil Bashkansky, Accuracy of categorical measurements: Nominal scale, Measurement, Volume 250, 2025, 117044
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- ואדעי, י. (תשפ"ה). ענייני לשון בארמית שבספירת העומר בכתבי היד של סידורי תימן, ש' יונה, ח' דיהי, א' דמרי וכ' שטאדל (עורכים), אני דניאל בינתי בספרים (דניאל ט 2): מחקרים לכבוד פרופסור דניאל סיון (פרסומי המכון לחקר המקרא וההיסטוריה העתיקה, 11), רחובות, עמ' 172-153.
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