דוד אילוז

פרופ' דוד אילוז

Prof. Iluz David
קורות חייםCV
דיסציפלינות ראשיותMain Disciplines
דיסציפלינות משניותSecondary Disciplines
תחומי מחקר / מילות מפתחKeywords
פרסומים ויצירות עיקריים / עדכנייםMain / Recent Publications

מענקים ופרסים | Grants and Awards

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European Space Agency (ESA)

Topical Team Proposal entitled Space bioreactor for marine mineralization material research (SpaceBioMat).

בשיתוף עם Z. Dubinsky, J. Erez, Y. Mastai, D. Omri (Israel) S. Goffredo, G. Falini, (Bologna, Italy). J. Kaandorp

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10,000 Years of color - Identification of Dyes from Archaeological Textiles from Neolithic Period until the Medieval Time in Israel

בשיתוף עם Amar Zohar (BIU) Dr. Sukenik Naama (Antiquity authority)

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Light and algae: a unique association in the Rosh HaNiqra cave

בשיתוף עם Zvy Dubinsky, BIU

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Ministry Science, Technology & Space.

Penetration of light pollution from infrastructure installations into the ocean and its effect on animal vision and distribution

בשיתוף עם Dr. A. Lerner, (IOLR), Prof. C.-E. Haspel, Hebrew University

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Ministry of Agriculture Rural Developme nt & Chief Scientist Office

Bio fertilizer development by using Barn Swallow wastewater as raw material

בשיתוף עם BIU- Dubinsky Volcani instituteMichal-Sharon Malka Hilel

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Ministry of Education.

Sustainability on Israel trail.

בשיתוף עם Dr. R. Holtzblat (TC), Dr. D. Goldman (BBC)

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Ministry of Energy and Water

Microalgae for biodiesel production: processes and genetic improvement

בשיתוף עם Dr. Banet Gabi (Arava Center, Israel)