חיותה ינון

ד"ר חיותה ינון

Dr. Hayuta Yinon
דיסציפלינות ראשיותMain Disciplines
תחומי מחקר / מילות מפתחKeywords
פרסומים ויצירות עיקריים / עדכנייםMain / Recent Publications
  • ינון, ח' (2021). מאפייני תפיסת הייעוד של עובדי הוראה בישראל. דפים, 75, 11-27

  • Yinon, H., & Orland-Barak, L. (2017). Career Stories of Israeli Teachers who Left Teaching: A Salutogenic View of Teacher Attrition. Teachers & Teaching: Theory & Practice, 23 (8), 914-927.

  • Orland-Barak, L., & Yinon, H. (2007). When theory meets practice: What student teachers learn from guided reflection on their own classroom discourse. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23 (6), 957-969.

  • Orland-Barak, L., & Yinon, H. (2005). Different but Similar: Student Teachers' Perspectives on the Use of L1 in Arab and Jewish EFL Classroom Settings. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 18 (1), 91-113.

  • Orland-Barak, L., & Yinon, H. (2005). Sometimes a novice and sometimes an expert: Mentors’ professional expertise as revealed through their stories of critical incidents. Oxford Review of Education, 31 (4), 557-578.