יובל מרין

פרופ' יובל מרין

Prof. Yuval Merin
דיסציפלינות ראשיותMain Disciplines
דיסציפלינות משניותSecondary Disciplines
תחומי מחקר / מילות מפתחKeywords
פרסומים ויצירות עיקריים / עדכנייםMain / Recent Publications
  • Yuval Merin, Ethnic Labeling and Evidence Consequences: Scope of Appropriate Applicability of the Judicial Disqualification Doctrine, 64 Hamishpat Online: Human Rights 5 (2017)

  • Yuval Merin, Lost between the Fruits and the Tree: In Search of a Coherent Theoretical Model for the Exclusion of Derivative Evidence, 18 New Criminal Law Review 273 (2015)

  • Yuval Merin & Rinat Kitai-Sangero, Probing into Salinas' Silence: Back to the "Accused Speaks" Model?, 15 Nevada Law Journal 77 (2014)

  • IDO BAUM, NILI EYAL & YUVAL MERIN, CIVIL PROCEDURE IN ISRAEL (The Netherlands, Klewer Law International 2013).

  • Yuval Merin, Libery, Equality and Same-Sex Marriage, 14 Hamishpat Online: Human Rights 27 (2013)

  • Yuval Merin & Rinat Kitai-Sangero, Israel: The Supreme Court’s New, Cautious Exclusionary Rule, in EXCLUSIONARY RULES IN COMPARATIVE LAW, ch. 4 (Stephen C. Thaman, ed., New York, Springer 2012)

  • Yuval Merin, Recognizing the Foreign Marriages of Couples Ineligible for Religious Marriage in Israel – A Renewed Perspective on Choice of Law and Public Policy, 51 Hapraklit Law Review 513 (2012)

  • Yuval Merin, A Feminist Perspective on Evidence Law: The Gendered Truth and the Silencing of the Different Voice, 16 Hamishpat Law Review 97 (2011)

  • Yuval Merin, Anglo-American Choice of Law and the Recognition of Foreign Same-Sex Marriages in Israel - On Religious Norms and Secular Reforms, 36 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 509 (2011)