שלומית זוטא

פרופ' שלומית זוטא

Prof. Shlomit Zuta
דיסציפלינות ראשיותMain Disciplines
דיסציפלינות משניותSecondary Disciplines
פרסומים ויצירות עיקריים / עדכנייםMain / Recent Publications
  • McTier, Brian and Zuta, Shlomith. “Influential CEO and Board Behavior in Reaction to a Regulatory Reform: A Quasi-Natural Experiment”. Forthcoming, Behavioral finance: how near is the end? Editor: Itzhak Venezia, World Scientific Publishers (Book Chapter).

  • Berkman, Omer and Zuta, Shlomith. 2020. “The Impact of Audit Committee Expertise on Auditor Resources: The Case of Israel.” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 55(2), 579–603 (2020). Impact factor - 1.66

  • Berkman, Omer and Zuta, Shlomith. 2019. “Reconsidering the Mandate of the Audit Committee: The Case of Israel”. Advances in Financial Economics 20: 189-209