אורית נוטמן-שוורץ

פרופ' אורית נוטמן-שוורץ

Prof. Orit Nuttman-shwartz
קורות חייםCV
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מענקים ופרסים | Grants and Awards

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שנת המענק: 2022


Implications of wars on social work education

בשיתוף עם Prof. Shula Ramon and partners from Ukrainian and Georgia, Germany, Israel, Portugal, Slovenia and UK

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שנת המענק: 2022


Including the voices of refugees and asylum seekers in social work curriculum development

בשיתוף עם Prof. Karen Meixner And partners from Austria, the UK.

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שנת המענק: 2022

ארגון אלמנות ויתומי צה"ל פרס מאמר מצטיין

אלמנות שחזרו לזכויות

בשיתוף עם פרופ' רחל דקל וד"ר שי שורר

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שנת המענק: 2020

The Ministry of Science and Technology

Elderly under fire in times of Corona: Cumulative shared traumatic situation

בשיתוף עם Dr. Gabriela Marzel Spector (PI), Sapir College


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EASSW European Association of School of Social Work

Challenges for the Social Work Profession at a Time of a Global Migration Crisis: Is a New Social Work Curriculum Needed?

בשיתוף עם Prof. Dekel, Bar Ilan University, Israel and 4 partners from school of Social Work in Europe: Germany (Berlin & Frankfort), Austria (Gratz) and Slovenia (Lubliana).

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Transnational Academic Careers in Child and Youth Welfar

בשיתוף עם Prof. Anat Zeira, Prof. Julia Mirsky, Israel and partners from Germany, Russia, Ireland, Italy

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IDF, Department of Bereavement Families and commemoration, research fund

Re-married widows who reentitled benefits - characterizations and implications

בשיתוף עם Prof. Rachel (PI), Dekel, Bar Ilan University

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IDF, Department of Bereavement Families and commemoration, research fund

Re-married widows who reentitled benefits - characterizations and implications

בשיתוף עם Prof. Rachel Dekel, (PI), Bar Ilan University

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The Ministry of Science and Technology

Cyber dating violence

בשיתוף עם Prof. Rachel Dekel, (PI), Bar Ilan University

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Yad Tabenkin

Continuous Traumatic Situation

בשיתוף עם Dr. Irit Regev, (PI), Sapir College