אורית גן

ד"ר אורית גן

Dr. Orit Gan
קורות חייםCV
דיסציפלינות ראשיותMain Disciplines
דיסציפלינות משניותSecondary Disciplines
תחומי מחקר / מילות מפתחKeywords
פרסומים ויצירות עיקריים / עדכנייםMain / Recent Publications
  • Spousal Agreements and Patriarchal Bargains, 34 BAR ILAN LAW STUDIES (forthcoming 2021)(Heb.)

  • A Feminist Economic Perspective on Contract Law: Promissory Estoppel as an Example, 28 MICH. J. GENDER & L. 1 (2021).

  • Trading the Gett: Between Contractual Right and Inalienability, 32 BAR ILAN LAW STUDIES 787

  • Anti-Stereotyping Theory and Contract Law, 42 HARV. J. L. & GENDER 83 (2019)

  • The Many Faces of Contractual Consent, 65 DRAKE L. REV. 615 (2017)

  • The Justice Element of Promissory Estoppel, 89 ST. JOHN'S L. REV. 55 (2015)

  • Contractual Duress and Relations of Power, 36 HARV.J. L. & GENDER 171 (2013)

  • Promissory Estoppel: A Call for a More Inclusive Contract Law, 16 J. GENDER, RACE & JUSTICE
    47 (2013)

  • Third Party Consent to Search: Analyzing Triangular Relations, 19 DUKE J. GENDER L. & POL'Y
    303 (2012)