משה סטופל

פרופ' משה סטופל

Prof. Moshe Stupel
דיסציפלינות ראשיותMain Disciplines
דיסציפלינות משניותSecondary Disciplines
פרסומים ויצירות עיקריים / עדכנייםMain / Recent Publications
  • Oxman V, Stupel M. 107.14 Does a trapezium exist whose side lengths form a geometric progression? The Mathematical Gazette. 2023;107(569):301-302.

  • Oxman, V & Stupel, M. (2023). "Two perpendicular lines related to a circle: PWW accompanied by GeoGebra applets". Accepted for publication in the International Journal for Technology in Mathematic Education (IJTME)

  • Stupel, M. & De Villiers,(2023). A Quarter-Circle Investigation, Explanation & Generalization. Accepted for publication in the International Journal for Technology in Mathematic Education (IJTME)

  • Stupel, M. & Fraivert, D. (2023). Three different proofs for the same task, by the style of a "proof without words". Accepted for publication in the In the At Right Angles-Mathematics Journal.

  • Stupel, M., Farhat, M. & Jahangiri, J. Revisiting Proof Without Words Using Color Coding. Reson 28, 975–983 (2023).

  • Stupel, M., Fraivert, D. & Jahangiri. J. (2023). Using technology and proofs without words in teaching mathematical reasoning to pre-service and in-service geometry teachers Accepted for publication in the International Journal for Technology i Mathematic Education (IJTME)

  • Duncan, S., Pinto, O. & Stupel, M. (2022). Exploring Intersecting Line Segments in Polygons. Accepted for publication in the Journal Learning and Teaching Mathematics, issue 33

  • Fraivert, D., Stupel, M. & Duncan, S. (2022). An Interesting Geometric Conservation Property – A Multiple Solution Task. Accepted for publication in the Journal Learning and Teaching Mathematics, 33

  • Oxman, V & Stupel, M. (2022). Investigation of infinite sequences formed from three given numbers by calculating their pairwise means. Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.

  • Segal, R. & Stupel, M.(2022). Pre-service mathematics teachers investigating the attributes of inscribed circles by technological and theoretical scaffolding(Research Article). Accepted for publication in
    the International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education

  • Stupel, M. & Fraivert, D. (2022).The arithmetic average of altitudes lengths from vertices of parallelogram to a straight-line: a sketch and proof. North American GeoGebra Journal, 10(1), pp. 13-19

  • Stupel, M., & Fraivert, D, (2022). Identifying the argumentations and the mathematical theorems of a geometric task. Accepted for publication in the International Journal for Technology in Mathematic Education (IJTME)

  • Stupel, M., Farhat, M. & Jahangiri, j.(2022). Proof Without Words Using Color Coding. Accepted for publication in the Resonance- Journal of Science Education.

  • Stupel, M., Pinto, O. & Jahangiri, J.(2022). Revisiting geomterical preservation properties using proof without words and interactive technology. Accepted for publication In the International Journal for Technology in Mathematic Education (IJTME)

  • Oxman, V & Stupel, M. (2021). Dynamic investigation of Surprising situations with conservation of areas described by functions with parameters. Accepted for publication in the Journal Resonance: Journal Science Education.

  • Stupel, M. & Shahbari, j. A.(2021). Complementary Euclidean Geometry and Trigonometry in Solving Tasks. Accepted for publication In the International Journal for Technology in Mathematic
    Education (IJTME)