טליה מירון-שץ

פרופ' טליה מירון-שץ

Prof. Talya Miron-shatz
קורות חייםCV
דיסציפלינות ראשיותMain Disciplines
דיסציפלינות משניותSecondary Disciplines
תחומי מחקר / מילות מפתחKeywords
פרסומים ויצירות עיקריים / עדכנייםMain / Recent Publications

מענקים ופרסים | Grants and Awards

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Alzheimer's Association Emerging Scientist grant

Amount and location of Alzheimer's risk expressions determine comprehension

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Draftfcb Institute of Decision Making

‘“Word-of-Mouth” vs. “Number-of-Mouth” in the Communications of Preferences

בשיתוף עם Sam Bond and Stephen He

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Marie Curie, Reintegration grant, European Research Council

Updating risk information following genetic counseling


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Ministry of Science, Technology and Space

Earthquake Preparedness Experiment for Developing Strategies to Motivate the Israeli Public’s Seismic Adjustment Behavior

בשיתוף עם Anat Gesser, co-PIs: Maya Negev, Gustavo Mesch

55,550 $

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National Institute of Research in Health

Reducing uninformed Spending – the case of fertility treatments in women over 43

בשיתוף עם Dr. Avi Tsafrir, MD

30,000 $

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Pfizer Europe

Developing and Testing a Patient-Centered Approach for direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) Information: Increasing Comprehension, Satisfaction, and Adherence

בשיתוף עם Talya Miron-Shatz, Zaza Iakobishvili

50,000 $

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Pfizer, Israel

Anti-coagulants: Reasons for physician prescribing and switching

בשיתוף עם Prof. Shlomo Vinker, MD

20,000 $

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The Center for Health and Wellbeing, Princeton University

. Pilot research on “Understanding the Probabilities Associated with Breast and Prostate Cancer.

20,000 $